Sundays Supplement, the podcast pull-out that flops to the floor the moment you open your newspaper.

Each week we get our fingers inky so you don't have to. We put two of Britain's Sunday newspapers head to head to see which has the best supplements. So, pull out your papers, liberate your supplements from their wrappers, and find out which paper you should have bought ... last Sunday.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Ep 198: Apocalypse


Episode One Hyndred And Ninety Eight

This week, iszi makes mince meat out of Simon

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Ep 197: Whammy


Episode One Hundred And Ninety Seven

It's Back To The Future with a Saturday Special, with added Great White Shark.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Ep 196: Sex Mishaps


Episode One Hundred And Ninety Six

Tweets and sweetmeats, the Borg, Hollywood, and Smurf genitals.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Ep 195: With Stuart Goldsmith

Brace yourselves:

Episode One Hundred And Ninety Five

This week, we're joined by the wonderful Stuart Goldsmith, the host of the always excellent Comedian's Comedian podcast.

Check out this episode!